Agaknya, bulan ni bulan orang tag mengetag ye. Buat ketiga kalinya, menjadi mangsa tag menjawab soalan-soalan yang memeningkan kepala je nak menjawabnya. Kali ni terima kerja rumah dari cik Muyassarah dan cik Seekerz sekali. Kata cik muyassarah, bertukar-tukar tag setelah aku menjadikan beliau mangsa tag yang lepas. Cik seerkerz pula memang dah jadi mangsa tetap aku selama ni. Entah la, suka je aku letakkan nama beliau berdua ni menjadi mangsa tag aku, selain Cikgu Eya, Kahfi8 dan Nessa Syahirah. Sori le engkorang ye, mungkin nama kalian bisa menarik minat jari jemariku untuk menaip menjadi mangsa permainan ini..ngehehehe
Meh, pakat layan tag kali ni plak. Layannzz..
1.What is the relationship of you and him/her?
Muyassarah : Excidently meet her by hoping from one blogs to another blogs. Dengan kata lainnya, kawan blogger jer.
Seekerz : Meet her at Now she's own her own blog, so she also now became my blogger partner.
2.Your 5 impressions towards him/her.
Muyassarah :
1) She's good woman with her niqab
2) Love to blabber in her blog
3) Love UNIC maybe. Likes me..ahaks
4) Cool although with her respectful personality. Who said with Islam we cannot be ourself? Islam never force their believers to be rigid.
5) lagi nak tulis ea?
Seekerz :
1) Suka gak merapu cam pakcik
2) Suka cerita pasal sekolah lama dia kat blog termasuk cerita-cerita baru berkenaan kehidupan dia sebagai student universiti sekarang
3) Ala-ala tomboy kot, sebab beliau ada manyatakan ayahnya tak pernah memanjakannya sebagai seorang anak gadis
4) Sempoi je tengok kehidupan dia, melalui apa yang selalu baca kat blog dia la
5) Errkkk...cik seekerz nak tambah pape lagi?
The rest, generally I've answered for both of them.
3.The most memorable things he/she had done for you.
Never meet them, never face them, never talk to them except occasionally through YM and never ever touch them. So, they never done nothing to me.
4.The most memorable things he/she have said to you?
Muyassarah : Saya muyassarah.YM, bukan muyassarah.blogspot. Ayat ni masa awal-awal taaruf kat YM.
Seekerz : Panggilan tok lisam kat iluvislam. Cik seekers kot yang bagi panggilan ni dulu kat pakcik.
5.If he/she become your lover, you will...
Ask them back, are you crazy or I'm day dreaming?
6.If he/she become your enemy, you will...
Kill them..muahahaha..kill..kill..kill..
7.If he/she become your lover, he/she has to improve on...
Errr....jap nak pikiaq. Just be who you are and never force yourself to become someone else.
8.If he/she become your enemy, the reason is...
They force me to married her dad.
9.The most desirable thing to do on him/her is?
Tak pernah pikiaq pun nak buat pa kat mereka ni. Kalau pakcik nak goreng mereka boleh ke?
10.The overall impression of him/her is...
They all cool..When they are in fridge.
11.How do you think the people around you will feel about you?
Baiknya budak ni, anak sapa la ye? Leh buat menantu ni..hahahahahaha.. Perasannn!!! Perangai cam hantu.
12.The character of you for yourself is?
Camne ea perangai pakcik ni? Waa..tatau nak tulis pe. Pakcik budak jahat.
13.On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
Pemalas, pemerapu, pembuang masa, pembaris, penyapu, pembakar..erkk
14.The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Seorang insan yang memperjuangkan agama Allah, syahid menjadi matlamat hidupnya, anak soleh penerang kubur ibu & bapa, adik & abang yang bertanggungjawab kepada ahli keluarga, suami yang membahagiakan isterinya dan ayah yang mendidik anaknya ke syurga. Wawawaaa... Insya-Allah, tolong doakan ye..(^_^)
15.For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
Stay with me, be with me, trust me and never cheat on me. Ever!
16.Ten people to tag:
1. lalalala
2. lalalala
3. lalalala
4. lalalala
5. lalalala
6. lalalala
7. lalalala
8. lalalala
9. lalalala
10. lalalala
17.Who is no. 2 having a relationship with?
18.Is no. 3 a male or a female?
Sat nak cek. Ops, tak dapat nak dikenal pasti.
19.If no. 7 and no. 10 were together, would it be a good thing?
Mungkin akan hidup bahagia dan melahirkan zuriat bernama lulululu.
20.How about no. 5 and 8?
Spesis yang sama.
21.What is no. 1 studying about?
About lelelele.
22.Is no. 4 single?
NO. It is taken by lolololo.
23.Say something about no. 6.
Len kali tukar nama jadi lalilulelo lak ye. Meriah ckit.....lalalala
Siap! Merapu dipagi hari..huhuhu
* K A D A N G I M A N L E M A H *
10 contengan diterima:
pakcik nih mmg xmenahan btl komen dy~
jujur bin transparent!
seb baek la~
transparent binti lutsinar....
hehehe..klaka tul...invisible bin tak nampak..lalala~~
tak nampak binti buta....lalalal~
rabun bin contact lens~
contact lens binti spek mate..\:D/
spek mate binti pakcik lysam(kopiah ijau tu)
pakcik lisam bin...?? ramli la...(ayah pakcik tuu)
kompem tade yg dapat sambung dah pasni...muahahaha
isk, sukati je tag..
15.For the people who care about and likes you, say something about them.
Stay with me, be with me, trust me and never cheat on me. Ever!
Isyhhh..takutnye ana bace!!!
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